Bluetooth Headphones


Headphones in our time is an integral accessory of every person! Many of us listen to them while playing sports, on the bus, or even on the way to work or school! But many of the Chinese headphones do not produce such a good sound, so I decided to try to make headphones from the old bluetooth speakers!
And so for the manufacture we need:
  • Bluetooth column.
  • Construction headphones.
  • A bit of tools.

The first step is to disassemble the column. In order not to break anything, carefully look for all the bolts, because the Chinese love to hide them under all kinds of stickers, etc.

After disassembling, we bite off the speaker and change it to two of these here, weaker! I have them at 1 watt.

It's time for headphones! First of all, we remove all the foam rubber from them and reconcile our board! It is necessary to immediately note the recharging hole and an approximate mounting location! And also mark the holes for the buttons.

Speaking of buttons! I made them from a rod from a ballpoint pen, by melting the tip of the rod! You can also make a match and stick them on the buttons on the board, but in this case there is a risk of filling the switch with glue, and it will no longer perform its functions.

The next step is to glue the board and solder the wires to it! As luck would have it, the hot glue broke so I had to "snot" with a lighter.

When the soldering is over, we take the foam rubber that we pulled earlier, cut it to size and put it inside our half-ear. We lay the speaker on top.

To prevent the speaker from yawning out! Glue a piece of a female stocking on the bottom of the pillow. This will not affect the sound, but the appearance will improve!

Well, in principle, everything is ready! It remains only to do the same with the second half!

And in the end, we get such cool headphones here. Of course, it’s better not to turn them on at full volume, because it was still a speaker, and its sound is quite loud. But at medium volume just right!

PS: Perhaps for everyday wear they look a little "dumb", but everything is in your hands! You can paint them in whatever cool color! Or find your own headphones in a different shape! But, for example, running in the mornings or mowing grass in them is a pleasure.


Watch the video: Top 10 Truly Wireless Earphones (October 2024).