This device will not only reduce the consumption of glue sticks, but also help to keep the working surface of the table clean. A special homemade “plug” will prevent hot glue from escaping from the nozzle when the gun is turned on but not in use.
Manufacturing process
First you need to take a thin metal plate 8.2 cm long, make a marking and drill three holes in it: two at the edges and one in the center. Then, using pliers or pliers, it is necessary to give the workpiece the desired shape.
From another metal plate it will be necessary to make a clamp for the nose of the gun, in which you also need to mark and make three holes. Additionally, bolts with nuts and washers, a spring and a cap with silicone filler are required.
Assembly assembly
Metal plates (one curved, the other in the form of a clamp) are connected to the spring and other elements using bolt fastening. Please note that the spring edges must not be tightened tightly.
This device is simply mounted on the nose of the gun (the clamp must be made clearly in diameter), and opens and closes due to the action of the spring.
The glue is easily cleaned from the surface of the silicone, so this device is designed for reusable use. The detailed assembly process of the home-made “plug” for the glue gun can be seen in the video on our website.