How to install a bath to stand 100 years


If you want the bathtub to stand unharmed for 100 years after installation, then you need to thoroughly approach the issue of installation. I would immediately like to draw attention to the fact that this method of installing a bathtub will take longer than the standard one, but the result is completely different.

And another important point - to install in this way it is recommended mainly bathtubs made of solid materials. Installation technology, although time-consuming, but at the same time quite simple. Therefore, you can do without calling the plumber.

First of all, it is necessary to make a “pillow”, on which the bath itself will rely. We lay flat several rows of ordinary red brick. At the ends of this base are attached two pieces of drywall - this is necessary to level the surface.

Bath installation: work steps

After the brick "pillow" has been erected, we carefully set the bathtub on it. Then you need to install a siphon. At the next stage, we make gates in the adjoining walls, and start the edges of the bathtub in them. The whole thing is fixed either with cement-sand mortar, or tile glue.

Then it will be necessary to draw water into the bath, after which we foam the existing voids between the brick "pillow" and the bottom. Water in the bathroom in this case acts as a "load". If the bath is shorter than the wall, a block is installed under its edge. Further, a screen is made of the same blocks.

You can watch the detailed process of installing a bath in an apartment or at home in the video on the site. If you have something to add or, conversely, want to challenge some points, write about it in the comments.


Watch the video: Restoring 100 year old clawfoot tub the houses built tiny way (October 2024).