Original bio fireplace for a private home


Home-made original bio-fireplace will become a stylish decoration of a private house, as well as a city apartment. This craft will decorate absolutely any interior.

Among the main advantages of a biofireplace it is worth noting mobility, versatility, environmental friendliness and safety. Well, if you make it from improvised materials, then a very budget thing will work out.

The first step is to assemble two boxes of different sizes (from plywood or MDF). A small box is placed inside a large one, with a gap between them. This will be the cement slab formwork.

The main stages of work

After two boxes are assembled, the internal joints must be sealed with silicone. Then you need to prepare a cement mortar and pour it into the formwork.

After the solution dries, a concrete box is already obtained. Inside it are placed cans with fuel for bio-fireplaces. It is also necessary to make two frames from the corner. In this case, the master uses an aluminum corner.

It is necessary to glue a wooden frame to the base of the concrete box, which will act as a stand. At the last stage, the author proceeds to decorative decoration of the external "appearance".

In detail about how to make an original bio fireplace for a private house with your own hands, we recommend that you look in the video on our website.


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