How to create the base of a column of cement of any shape


Exterior of the house in a classic style always requires a lot of costs. Columns - the most spectacular element that gives the facade a nobility.

To turn a regular round pillar into a column will help the foot and the capital. The author shows how to make the foundation of any shape with cement with your own hands.

Think over the desired type of foot and cut out a shape from a sheet of metal. Attach the blade to the round tube so that you can move it freely in a circle. It is also necessary to provide fasteners that allow you to change the radius of the molding.

Having firmly stuck the pipe into the ground, determine the height and size of the pedestal. Having taken a few centimeters on the thickness of the product, form a base from sand.

The main stages of work

For the first layer, you will need a liquid cement mixture that will easily drain in a sand form. Having moved the forming blade, cover the entire base with cement. The composition will quickly give away excess water to the sand and set.

Now, using an already thicker mixture that can be put on a spatula, cover the future foot with cement. Gradually condense the layer, forming the outline of the blade.

The final layer will again be the liquid composition. However, it is worth making the mixture not as fluid as at the beginning. It will fill all the bumps, bubbles and voids, giving the base a perfectly smooth surface. At this stage, it is important to ensure that liquid cement spills over the entire surface.

Sand quickly absorbs water, so that the cement quickly begins to harden. While it is still plastic, but no longer sticks to your hands, cut a shape along the edge, removing smudges from the middle. Next, cut off the excess cement from the bottom, giving the bottom of the column a final look.

If you are going to set the foot around an existing pillar, cut it in half. The seam will easily hide a thin layer of plaster.

The base for the column is ready! You can give it any form, embodying all your ideas. By this technology, even a layperson will get a perfectly high-quality product.

For details on how to create a column base from cement of any shape, see this video.


Watch the video: precast concrete H shape column reinforcement details (October 2024).