Soda at home


Pretty simple way to get soda at home. Based on the simple dissolution of CO2 in water. To do this, we will build a CO2 generator. Its work is as follows: during the interaction of vinegar with soda, CO2 is released, then it passes into the second vessel and there it dissolves in our carbonated liquid. Just not true?
We will need: vinegar, soda, a couple of plastic bottles, a tube, a piece of tissue or toilet paper.
Here is what we did:
As can be seen from the figure, two bottles are securely connected by a tube. Please note that in the second bottle where our carbonated liquid will be poured, the tube goes all the way to the bottom, and in the first where the reaction will take place - the tube slightly peeks out from under the lid.
In the first bottle we pour 100 - 150 ml. vinegar, into our second liquid, which we will carbonate. Close the second bottle tightly.
Then we turn in our toilet paper st. a spoonful of baking soda. This is done in order to fall asleep at once soda and not lose CO2
We throw and quickly close.
The reaction begins! For better absorption of CO2 by liquid, it is necessary to shake it and also, to increase the reaction, shake a bottle of soda and vinegar. In short, both bottles are best shaken alternately.
After a while, the reaction will end and you will get soda made by yourself!
One of the western companies even sells this device.


Watch the video: How To Make a Soda Machine! - 5$ 5 Minutes!! Super Easy (January 2025).